Gulf State Insurance Information Center Web site Aims to Educate Consumers

The insurer-funded, nonprofit Gulf State Insurance Information Center (GSIIC) has launched a new Web site – – to serve as a repository of information on insurance issues impacting Louisiana. The information available on the site will be specifically about auto, homeowners and business insurance.

“Louisiana has a unique insurance market and this website was established to give the general public information on insurance issues in Louisiana,” Jim Harris, GSIIC spokesman, said. “We hope this website will serve as a resource for people in Louisiana to obtain accurate and up-to-date information.”

The GSIIC website is intended to provide consumers, the media and public officials with one more resource to find information on insurance in Louisiana. Funding for GSIIC is provided by a group of insurers operating in the state including Allstate, Farmers Insurance Co. Inc., Gray Insurance Co., Louisiana Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. and State Farm. Several national trade associations are also sponsors of the organization including American Insurance Association, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.

The Web site will address topics such as Chinese drywall, the Gulf oil spill and building codes legislation. It will also provide information and reminders to consumers for the hurricane season, and details and tips on renewing homeowners and auto insurance. The site will also allow people to sign up for alerts or notifications on important insurance issues.