Oklahoma Insurance Agent Charged with Embezzlement

An insurance agent in Oklahoma has been charged with embezzlement, authorities say.

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak and Comanche County District Attorney Fred Smith say an investigation of Amanda Sue Wilson of Lawton has resulted in a signed confession and a surrendered license to conduct the business of insurance in Oklahoma.

The Wilson investigation began when the Oklahoma Insurance Department’s Anti-Fraud Unit received a referral from an audit consultant retained by a large Oklahoma insurance company. The auditor’s report revealed a number of discrepancies in the insurance transactions made by Wilson from October 2009 to February 2011, the OID reports.

Upon review, OID investigators found that Wilson had created unauthorized life loan checks and credit/debit charges, misapplied escrow checks from home closings and misapplied premium refunds and premium payment checks to cover cash payments she had embezzled.

Approximately 100 policyholders were impacted by her criminal activity with estimated losses of nearly $62,000, authorities say.

The case was filed and will be prosecuted in Comanche County.

Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department