5 Companies Filing 2015 Plans on Arkansas Health Insurance Marketplace

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Jay Bradford announced that five companies have filed to sell individual health insurance plans on Arkansas’ Federally-facilitated health insurance Marketplace for the 2015 plan year.

The issuers filing for qualified health plan certification are: Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield; Celtic Insurance Co.; National Blue Cross Blue Shield Multi-State; QCH Health Plan Inc.; QualChoice Life and Health Insurance Company Inc.

The companies submitted plans and service areas for 2015, which will be reviewed for adequacy.

arkansasThe Arkansas Healthcare Independence Act of 2013 requires that consumers in each of Arkansas’s 75 counties have a choice among at least two health insurance issuers.

“While the plans have not yet been approved and certified by The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, I am confident Arkansas consumers in all 75 counties will now have more choice among health plans and issuers,” Commissioner Jay Bradford said in a statement.

The Arkansas Insurance Department will review health plans for compliance with state and federal requirements through August. Plans approved by the state will be submitted to CCIIO for certification to be sold on Arkansas’ marketplace. Rates will be announced after all plans are certified.

Open enrollment for 2015 plan year begins Nov. 15.