Medical Marijuana Discussion Comes to the Texas Legislature

By | March 30, 2015

  • March 30, 2015 at 8:26 pm
    PhDScientist says:
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    For Cancer patients, for kids suffering from Seizures, and for so many others, safe, legal, access to Medical Marijuana is a matter of life and death. Its critical that Marijuana be removed from Schedule 1 immediately. Please call the whitehouse comment line at (202) 456-1111 and ask that the President get that to happen, to protect the health and safety of Americans that need Medical Marijuana. Have everyone else you know call them too.
    I’m a Scientist with a strong interest in Cancer research. The clinical evidence of the value of Marijuana as a life saving medicine is now so strong that the need to remove Marijuana from Schedule 1 has become a moral imperative. Google Medical Marijuana testimonials. Google Medical Marijuana Cancer Patient Testimonials.

    This weekend over 3,000 Americans died, in pain, of Cancer. Every single day, 1,500 Americans die of Cancer after suffering horribly. it. Every single minute another American dies of Cancer. Every American Cancer patient deserves the right to have safe, legal, and economical access to Medical Marijuana. Every single one.
    Americans who need Medical Marijuana shouldn’t be used as “Political Footballs” Please call the Whitehouse comment line at (202) 456-1111 and ask that the President take immediate action to remove Marijuana from Schedule 1 so American Physicians in all 50 states can prescribe it.

    Oncologists have know it for more than a quarter of a Century that Marijuana is a “wonder drug” for helping Cancer patients
    The American Society of Clinical Oncologists wants Marijuana removed from Schedule 1. So does the American Medical Association, the professional society of all Physicians. A strong majority of Americans want Physicians in all 50 states to be able to prescribe Medical Marijuana. So do their Physicians., Cancer patients can’t wait.
    The need to immediately, completely, legalize Marijuana throughout the world is one of the most pressing moral issues of our time, because of its medical benefits and because of the damage prohibition causes to America and to the world.

    Complete legalization is critical — its vital that there aren’t “strings” or “hoops” that Cancer patients and others who need Medical Marijuana are forced to jump through
    “Charlottes web” is NOT the solution. Cancer patients and people who suffer from chronic pain need THC, not just CBD. The “Berkeley study”, where 96% of stage 4 Cancer patients who had a wide variety of Cancers achieved remission, used high dose Medical Marijuana oil, 72% THC, 28% CBD, 1 gram/day (oral) over a 90 day course of treatment. It was a small study, and not placebo controlled, but those kinds of results are clearly remarkable, have been widely reported on in the press, and demand the need for immediate large scale clinical trials.

    More and more present and former members of law enforcement agree about the need to end prohibition, and have formed a rapidly expanding group of current and former undercover cops, FBI, DEA, prosecutors and Judges, from all over the world, called

    LEAP — Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

    because they’ve seen the damage prohibition causes to America and the world.


    I’m a Scientist. Not a politician, not a cop.

    But as a Scientist with a strong interest in Cancer research, I feel even more strongly about the need to ensure that no Cancer patient is denied it, because I’m so impressed with its benefits for Cancer patients.

    I urge everyone reading this to PLEASE call and email the Attorney General, the press, Congress and the President today.

    Medical Marijuana helps with Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, seizures, PTSD and chronic pain, and has helped many Americans, including many veterans, stop using Alcohol, and hard drugs, both legal and illegal ones.

    Every minute an American dies of Cancer.

    Every 19 minutes an American dies of a prescription drug overdose.

    Many vets become addicted to prescription opiates and die from them.

    NOBODY has ever died from smoking too much pot.

    Cancer patients are seeing remarkable results using high dose Medical Marijuana oil, in many cases achieving complete remission, even for stage 4 cancers — there are many excellent articles on the web, and videos on youtube with patient’s personal stories about their experiences with it — and every Cancer patient that uses Marijuana to ease their suffering benefits greatly from doing so.

    It is immoral to leave Marijuana illegal, for anyone, for even a second longer.

    For Cancer patients, its a matter of life and death.

    Cancer patients can’t wait.

    Medical Marijuana has an unmatched safety profile, and for people who suffer from so many diseases, of so many kinds, its a medical miracle — and the scientific evidence behind it is rock solid.

    For Cancer patients, Medical Marijuana encourages apoptosis and autophagy of Cancer cells, while leaving normal cells untouched, is anti-angigogenic, anti-proliferative, and is anti-angiogenic.

    Its also synergistic with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, making both more effective.
    For many Cancer patients its meant the difference between life and death.

    For everyone else, its a far safer alternative to Alcohol, and infinitely safer than Cigarettes.

    Either take them off the market too, or legalize Marijuana right now.

    2016 is too far away, Its too long to wait. Every year we lose more Americans to Cancer than died in WWII.

    Between now and the 2016 elections, roughly 1 MILLION Americans will die of Cancer.

    And Its a horrible way to die

    • April 1, 2015 at 3:45 pm
      Gerald Gawlik Jr. says:
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      Hello ! This government needs to hurry up and legalize for at least only a medicine. I’m a 34 yr. old Epileptic who has had the brain surgery for the seizures because no medicines worked. I’ve been smoking since I was 13. Since the surgery I’ve had 3 Neuro-Psych evaluations. From the first after surgery to the last one, my IQ has risen 13 points. Now my problem solving is in the “Superior” range.In other words, whats illegal has helped me more than any medicine produced by companies that pay off the government.

  • March 31, 2015 at 2:50 pm
    Crain says:
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    What a thoughtful, scientific, and sympathetic writing. God Bless you PhD. Consider the calls made.

  • April 1, 2015 at 11:06 am
    CottonmouthedActivist says:
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    The only issue I have with this news, is that no source cites an actual bill. This article, for instance cites a bill entitled: “Relating to the creation of the Select Committee on Economic Development.” which passed on 9/1/11. That bill can be read about here: . An article on yahoo changes the bill number to 3785, which is a bill entitled “Relating to the nullification of unconstitutional federal laws that create or increase taxes and the enforceability of related federal tax liens or levies; providing for a filing fee and providing criminal penalties.” Which again can be found here: The only bill I can find in the Texas legislature relating to marijuana is HB 2165 which is “Relating to repealing marihuana offenses.” it again can be found here: . There is so much misinformation and disinformation surrounding MMJ, that I am always skeptical. Don’t blindly trust any article, instead use it as a jumping off point for doing your own independent research! I would greatly like to see an updated bill number on here, if that bill in fact does exist.

    • April 1, 2015 at 12:29 pm
      Agent says:
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      We do know there is a bill banning texting while driving currently being debated and hopefully it will passed and signed into law.

      • April 3, 2015 at 9:49 am
        Ron says:
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        Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

        • April 29, 2015 at 9:39 am
          Agent says:
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          Ron, I don’t think many in Texas thinks they have an oppressive state government. By the way, our legislature is rolling back the sales tax which is a benefit to all the citizens. How about that! A government lowering taxes. What a novel idea.

          I don’t know how many of the pro Marijuana folks read the article about the Denver, Colorado businessman who had so many “stoned” employees who were unproductive, unreliable and inefficient, he decided to move his business to South Carolina where Marijuana is still illegal. They offered him some incentives to hire people and 47 former employees are now pondering their future and someone else will have to put up with their behavior.

          Whatever the medical benefits are, it should be rigidly controlled and not sold on the street like Colorado and some other states have been doing.

  • April 1, 2015 at 12:01 pm
    Stephanie K. Jones says:
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    My apologies. The bill was misidentified in the original version of this story. The bill is HB 3785, Relating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of cannabis for medical purposes; authorizing fees. SKJ

  • April 29, 2015 at 7:21 am
    wendy says:
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    I have a auto immune desiese and my dr even old me marijuana would help my pain, nausea, and other symptems I hve. IT SHOULD BE OUR RIGHT TO CONSUME MARIJIANA IF IT HELPS OUR ILLNESS. IN EVERY STATE!!

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