Kaufman Named Top Insurance Agent by Texas Agents’ Group

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) named Garry Kaufman, president of Galveston Insurance Associates, as the recipient of its Drex Foreman Award at IIAT’s 118th Annual Conference and Trade Show in San Antonio in early June.

Named after Drex Foreman, who served as the chief executive director of IIAT for more than 30 years, the Drex Foreman Award is the highest honor IIAT bestows annually to an independent agent who has contributed greatly to the independent agency system.

Kaufman began his professional career in the pharmaceutical industry, where he worked for seven years before deciding to join his in-laws’ family insurance business, Galveston Insurance Associates, the oldest insurance agency in Galveston. Twenty-one years later, Kaufman has become a respected leader in the industry and has grown his agency by more than 40 employees.

Kaufman is very active in the insurance industry and has served on many boards, councils and committees. In 2008 he was elected chair of IIAT’s Board of Directors, and has served as chairman for IIAT’s Budget and Finance Committee and IIAT Services Co. Kaufman has also served on the boards of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), the Insurors Groups, the Insurance Council of Texas Windstorm Committee and United Fire Group’s National Agents Advisory Council.

Kaufman received the 2003 IIAT Young Agent of the Year award, the Galveston Chamber of Commerce Community Service and their Business Leadership Awards.

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT)