Texas Surplus Lines Group Honors Members with Awards, Scholarships

The Texas Surplus Lines Association has presented its “Joe Howse President’s Award” to both Susan Gropp, Arcana Insurance Services, chairperson, 2014 & 2015 Conference Committee and PAC Committee, and Amicia Hine, McClelland & Hine Inc., chairperson, Legislative Committee for their outstanding work on their respective committees.

The “Don King Committee Member of the Year” award was presented to Bill Fink, Delta General Agency Corp. for all his hard work on the Legislative Committee.

The Avrohm Wisenberg scholarship recipients were Mike Nguyen, TAPCO Underwriters, who received a CIC scholarship and Erika Castillo, AmWINS Program Underwriters, who received a CISR scholarship. Each received a one part scholarship for one institute. In addition, both recipients will receive a $100 cash prize, once their course is completed, from TSLA. The scholarships are donated to TSLA each year by The National Alliance.

WSG Specialty Underwriters Inc. was the voting member firm to win a free 2016 Joe Vincent seminar registration donated to TSLA by the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas.

The awards and scholarships were presented at TSLA’s 60th annual meeting in early November.

The TSLA Texans under 40 prepared 73 care packages for the troops during the meeting. TSLA would like to thank all members for their donations of care package items and money for shipping.

Source: TSLA