Texas Releases New Guidelines for Insurer Catastrophe Data Collection, Reporting

Applying lessons learned after Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Department of Insurance has upgraded its procedures for collecting and reporting data following a disaster.

TDI recently released its new catastrophe data collection guidelines, which the department says will improve the data collection and reporting process.

“After Hurricane Harvey, we heard from the insurance industry that we had requested data in ways that made it difficult to report,” Insurance Commissioner Kent Sullivan said in a statement released by TDI. “We also knew that we needed to be able to analyze that data much faster in the future.”

Sullivan became insurance commissioner a month after Harvey made landfall in Texas in late August 2017.

Sullivan asked staff to undertake a process that’s become the standard across the agency since his arrival – review best practices, modernize systems and processes, and communicate clearly with their audience.

“This process means insurance companies know exactly what data we’re going to collect after a disaster,” Sullivan said. “They can prepare now and be ready to report quickly when needed.”

TDI also upgraded its capabilities, adding Tableau software licenses, to speed the analysis of data.

“After a disaster, it’s important that the agency and state leaders be able to quickly assess how insurance companies are responding,” Sullivan said. “We’re now in a much better position to do that.”

TDI catastrophe data call reporting guidelines are available online at https://www.tdi.texas.gov/company/documents/catastrophe-data-call-reporting-guidelines-2019.pdf.

Source: TDI