11 Texas Colleges to Share $1.1M in Safety Education Grants from Texas Mutual

Texas Mutual Insurance Co. announced it is awarding $1.1 million in grants to 11 colleges across Texas to fund workplace safety courses for employers, workers and the general public.

The company said it began its commitment to supporting safety education at state colleges 20 years ago.

Since 1999, Texas Mutual has awarded $7.7 million in safety education grants, and more than 30,000 students have attended free safety institutes offered at various colleges.

These Texas Mutual grants support risk management programs at Amarillo College, Angelina College in Lufkin, College of the Mainland in Texas City, Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, El Paso Community College, Lamar Institute of Technology in Beaumont, Lee College in Baytown, Midland College, Kilgore College and Texarkana College.

This year is the first year Texas Mutual awarded a grant to Odessa College to establish a risk management program.

Courses at these safety institutes include general topics, such as driver safety, ergonomic safety and OSHA standards, as well as courses tailored to the dominant industries in each college’s region.

Source: Texas Mutual