Next Level Insurance Agency’s O’Connell Elected President-Elect of NAIFA-Texas

Next Level Insurance Agency CEO Danny O’Connell has been elected president-elect of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors – Texas (NAIFA-TX) for 2020. He will continue to lead the organization as president in 2021.

O’Connell has been on the association’s board since 2016, most recently as secretary/treasurer. He will follow former Texas Rep. David Farabee of Wichita Falls in the leadership position. Previously, O’Connell served on the board and as president of NAIFA-Dallas.

O’Connell looks to continue to build on the history of NAIFA-TX while growing membership and political involvement. O’Connell believes NAIFA-TX has a responsibility to do more for both members and the consumers they serve. He looks forward to the next two years of advocating for Texans and continuing to promote their industry.

NAIFA has given O’Connell the opportunity to work on federal healthcare issues with House Subcommittees in D.C. and he testified before the Texas House Subcommittee regarding balance billing issues in Texas to benefit consumers.

Next Level Insurance Agency is based in Dallas and Addison, with a team that stretches from Florida to Colorado.

Headquartered in Austin, NAIFA-TX was founded in 1925 with membership spanning the state.

Source: Next Level Insurance Agency