Insurance Premium Relief Programs Have Saved Oklahoma Drivers over $164M

Refunds, dividends, credits, or other appropriate premium adjustments automobile insurance companies have offered to their customers due to the COVID-19 pandemic have saved Oklahoma drivers $164 million, the state insurance department reported on July 20.

99 Oklahoma property/casualty insurance companies have submitted some form of relief filings to OID since March, the Oklahoma Insurance Department said. As a result, more than 1.8 million policyholderswill save an estimated$91 per policyholder.

Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready has urged Oklahoma consumers to contact their insurance agent or company if they are financially struggling and thinking about canceling their insurance. He said most insurance companies will be flexible and willing to work with consumers during this public health crisis.

The following is not a complete list, but among those insurers offering premium relief in Oklahoma are:

Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department