Zurich NA Launches Nonsubscriber Work Injury Insurance Policy in Texas

Zurich North America, based in Schaumburg, Ill., has launched an Occupational Accident & Employers Work Injury Liability Insurance Policy for nonsubscribers to the workers’ compensation system in Texas.

The new offering is the result of a collaboration with program administrator CPro Associates, whose principals over 30 years ago developed the first occupational injury coverage for Texas employers who opt out of the workers’ compensation system, referred to as “nonsubscribers.”

Zurich, which can provide workers’ compensation solutions in all 50 states as well as a range of occupational accident coverages, can now also provide a work injury solution for business customers with Texas exposure who are nonsubscribers to workers’ compensation there.

Texas is unique among the states in allowing private employers to opt out of the workers’ compensation system. Those who elect not to subscribe often want to provide tailored worker injury coverage and seek greater oversight of claims. A tradeoff is that they forgo certain common law defenses to lawsuits alleging negligence that are afforded to employers who participate in the workers’ compensation system. That is one reason the Zurich-CPro product includes employers’ liability coverage for nonsubscribers in the event of a negligence claim involving a worker injury.

Zurich North America provides insurance products and services to businesses and individuals.