For 3rd Time, Louisiana Reminds Insurers, Agents of Obligations After Catastrophes

Following complaints from property insurance policyholders, Louisiana’s top insurance regulator has issued a third bulletin reminding insurers of their obligations to policyholders as they work with consumers affected by the devastating 2020 hurricane season and impacted by February’s extreme winter weather.

In Bulletin 2021-03 is the third communication in 2021 from Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon reminding them about insurers about good faith dealing with policyholders. The bulletin also offers guidance to agents regarding helping their insureds with their claims.

In the bulletin, Donelon told insurers they must provide copies of policies when policyholders ask for them and they must continue to engage with their customers even if those policyholders hire a public adjuster. He further reminded them that it was in their own interest to do so to avoid litigation.

In addition to reminding insurers about good faith dealing with policyholders harmed by hurricanes Laura, Delta or Zeta, Donelon also counsels policyholders to do their best to provide the proof of loss documentation that insurers need to process their claims.

“We’ve heard from policyholders in the Lake Charles area that many people are still having trouble engaging contractors, crews and materials to make repairs on homes, businesses and places of worship damaged by hurricanes Laura and Delta,” Donelon in a media release. “I am committed to making insurers understand the extraordinary nature of the 2020 hurricane season and that working with policyholders is the only way forward for a strong recovery in the state of Louisiana.”

After a catastrophe, policyholders have an initial 180 days to file documentation of their claim known as a “proof of loss” with their insurer. Policyholders might have a few extra days to submit such documentation, including photos, estimates and receipts to their insurance companies if they were under a declaration of emergency and civil authorities were denying the insured access to the property after the event. There are other circumstances that may also extend that 180-day deadline.

The initial 180-day mark after Hurricane Laura was Feb. 23, just as policyholders were emerging from a deep freeze with extended power outages, making it difficult for many to focus on their insurance claim. The 180-day file date for proof of loss forms for Hurricane Delta is April 7, 2021, and Hurricane Zeta is April 26, 2021.

In addition to complaints about claim delays and looming deadlines, the department is receiving complaints against insurers not providing full copies of policies as required in the Policyholder Bill of Rights under La R.S. 22:41. All policyholders are entitled to receive copies of their policies from their insurer in a timely manner.

Any policyholders who are not receiving copies of their policies after requesting them should file a complaint with the Department of Insurance.

Insurers and agents were also reminded that public adjusters are not authorized to act as legal representatives for policyholders under Louisiana law and that the involvement of a public adjuster does not affect an insurer or agent’s obligation to communicate with policyholders.

If a consumer is experiencing difficulty contacting their insurer or agent and is told it is because they have hired a public adjuster, they are encouraged to contact the Louisiana Department of Insurance immediately to file a complaint.

Even as Commissioner Donelon urged insurance companies to work with policyholders, he encouraged consumers to be aware of the deadlines and strive to meet them.

Bulletin 2021-03 is ultimately a reminder that companies should act in good faith and fair dealing with their policyholders and are encouraged to grant leniency even as certain legal deadlines still stand. Policyholders who need to file a proof of loss should review their policy and contact their agent or insurer for guidance on the exact deadline per their policy.

Some consumers have told the Louisiana Department of Insurance that they have not been able to gather complete documentation of their losses because they are still trying to engage contractors or are still incurring additional living expenses while displaced from their homes. In those situations, LDI advises policyholders to do the best they can, advise their insurers of their efforts, keep them posted on the situation and follow up with additional documentation when it becomes available.

Agents and insurers also can advise what documentation will fulfill a policyholder’s proof of loss obligation. A sufficient proof of loss could include the initial damage claim, as well as photos, contractor estimates, receipts for temporary repairs and any other documentation reasonably required by the company.

Source: LDI