Florida Insurers, Businesses Take Aim at PIP Fraud

Insurance companies are taking to the Internet to combat auto insurance fraud in Florida.

The Property Casualty Insurers Association of American has launched www.InsuranceFraudUncovered.com, a Web site designed to highlight Florida’s problems with auto personal injury protection — or PIP– fraud and draw attention the legislative movement to address the issue.

Flanked by representatives of the Associated Industries of Florida and the Florida Chamber of Commerce, William Stander, PCI assistant vice president and regional manager for Florida, said it is time the public became aware of the cost of PIP fraud.

“Floridians need to know that our state, unfortunately, continues to have the highest number of questionable, or ‘staged’ accidents of any other state in the country,” Stander said, citing statistics that show four of the 10 U.S. cities with the highest rates of questionable claims are Miami, Tampa, Orlando and Hialeah.

He said that Florida motorists pay the second highest auto liability insurance premiums in the nation. The 2008 average annual liability premium is $736, which is 56 percent higher than the national mean of $471.

Stander laid out six possible reforms for consideration in the state’s legislative session, which convenes March 8. Both the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and the House Subcommittee on Insurance and Banking have bills waiting to be heard in their docket.

The reforms include the following:

PCI is composed of 1,000 companies that write $174 billion in premiums. Member companies represent 43.1 percent of the U.S. auto market.

Florida CFO Jeff Atwater, who oversees the Department of Financial Services and the department’s Division of Insurance Fraud , has created a PIP fraud squads in Tampa to combat the growing number of staged accidents and fraudulent auto insurance claims. In 2009, Tampa experienced a 290-percent increase in questionable claims related to staged or caused accidents.

CFO Atwater is also recommending legislation involving strengthening billing practices so only appropriate services rendered are covered, creating civil penalties so proceeds can be used to fund additional anti-fraud efforts and tightening requirements for clinic ownership.