Ex-Republican Crist Expected to Run For Governor in Florida as Democrat

By | September 17, 2013

  • September 17, 2013 at 11:42 am
    Hillsborough Agent says:
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    Charlie is a man of principle. He was a Republican. Then an independent’s independent, then an independent who would caucus with the Democrats, then a spokesperson/pimp for the most annoying attorney firm on the planet, and now a Democrat.

    One thing that will never change about Charlie, his orangeness.

    • September 17, 2013 at 12:35 pm
      Celtica says:
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      All because of a hug from the Democratic president. Funny how a principled Republican can turn into a Democratic pimp. Doesn’t say much for Republicans.

      • September 17, 2013 at 1:42 pm
        Perplexed says:
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        Celtica, I’d say this reflects poorly on the individual. He seems to be a man of little principle…the ideal Democrat.

        • September 17, 2013 at 1:51 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Maybe the party changed first. Going from middle of the road to conservative right wing is bound to make those who stood with the former re-think going with the latter.

        • September 18, 2013 at 12:23 pm
          bob says:
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          Ok, for Perplexed:

          This is what democrats claim to do on a regular basis, and it’s what they should do on a regular basis. The reason I don’t like them is they do a lot of claiming, and not a lot of doing of this type of representing.

          Politicians are supposed to be steadfast in the principles of the American people, not in their own. They are supposed to run for our beliefs, not based on theirs.

          For Celitica:

          Conservatives have not become more conservative. Contrary to your popular belief (and I say popular in that politics has become far too much like highschool), they have become more liberal. If you can list how they became more conservative I would love to hear it.

          I would call medicare and vouchers more liberal than either just medicare or the end of medicare (which your side tried as hard as possible to lie and say our side was getting rid of it while your side cut out over 700 billion of it). I would call private and public social security more liberal than just one or the other, and more liberal than the old belief that it should be abolished (which your side tried as hard as possible to state was Romney’s belief in order to support the lie that conservatives are more conservative). Medicare expansion part D during George W Bush, and then no child left behind. I’m not saying those worked, but I’m sorry Celitica, they were Liberal.

      • September 17, 2013 at 1:44 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        It doesn’t matter what party most of these men and women are from. We need some legitimate Independent voices, much like that of Bernie Sanders.

        • September 18, 2013 at 5:20 pm
          bob says:
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          What we need is the elimination of the fake moderates who try to claim they are moderate while making comments that republicans as religious as today’s were the ones that believed the earth was flat.

          Funny story on that…


          Back on point: The bias against conservatives is what has to end, and is the only way we will have independent voices. The only way that will happen is if people like you go bye bye. The liberal power in this country, and the automatic knee jerk reaction to think as a conservative as non science religious type folk is a serious problem. People like you and Celitica are a dime a dozen.

          • September 19, 2013 at 9:26 am
            jw says:
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            So, are you saying the Republicans/conservatives are not religious? They don’t promote creationism (see Texas) over science? They don’t object to birth control based on religion? They don’t object to abortion based oon religion? They aren’t against equal rights for gays and lesbians based on the old testament?

            If that’s true, then why are the Republicans/conservatives so hung up on the above issues?

          • September 19, 2013 at 9:33 am
            jw says:
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            Too much sugar this morning. I just want to keep sharing. I have no problem with conservative solutions to the economy. I would prefer a smaller government. I think we spend too much money on many things. Welfare included. I am a true fiscal conservative.

            My problem with conservatives/Republicans is they want a small government for everything except social issues such as those in my previous post. Why must they ruin everything by invading my personal decisions? If they could separate themselves from these social issues, I could support the conservative view. However, for me, the social issues are paramount.

          • September 19, 2013 at 11:08 am
            Ron says:
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            What exactly is a fake moderate? Do you know the difference between a moderate and an Independent? A moderate, also know as RINOs and DINOs are those who follow their party’s ideology most of the time, but not always. Independents only follow their own personal ideology and seek to vote for candidates that they believe will most closely represent them regardless of party affiliation.

            This is why we need more people voting like Independents and less right-wing or left-wing sheep who only vote the party line.

          • September 19, 2013 at 1:09 pm
            bob says:
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            A fake moderate, is one like Planet, who as I pointed out claimed that republicans are right wing zealots who believed the earth was flat. He has gone further than this. He insults them constantly. These are not the only comments he has mad about conservatives. To date, I have seen him make no such comments against democrats. He is not a moderate as he claims. I will continue to point that out.

            Have you seen me make bad comments about republicans?

            If you haven’t, you haven’t been paying attention. I continually point it out. I always say that I lean right currently because we need to, and the liberal power needs to end. There is no doubt that they have been doom and glooming and getting away with it.

            There’s a problem when articles get released saying the American is a “spoiled brat” as housing prices dip each time we go to taper QE spending. Side comment: Why is that bad? You have to admit by now inflating this bubble is beyond a bad idea. I am against democrats right now, to clarify again, because they are literally reinflating the bubble, are mounting the debt that comes with it needlessly (about 4 trillion in QE spending, and Twist to buy low interest rates over 4 years) and it could have easily been avoided (and the higher tax rates we will have to pay as a result eventually).

            Currently, the country has to lean right to fix the issue we are in. And that means ending the jock like bias this country has against republicans, especially in the younger age groups.

          • September 19, 2013 at 1:19 pm
            bob says:
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            “So, are you saying the Republicans/conservatives are not religious? They don’t promote creationism (see Texas) over science? They don’t object to birth control based on religion? They don’t object to abortion based oon religion? They aren’t against equal rights for gays and lesbians based on the old testament?

            If that’s true, then why are the Republicans/conservatives so hung up on the above issues?”

            A life is a life is a life regardless of a book. I am assuming you’re talking about abortion rather than birth control, as the reason behind not funding birth control has more to due with the fact that it’s cheap, and not my responsibility to pay (from the mind of a republican, I say “my” because I’m trying to answer from the typical republican view point)

            On gay issues: This is your bigotry, and democrat bigotry and labeling, which is exactly what I said needs to change. This slime should not be spoken, that republicans are religious zealots who believe in unfair slave like life for gays. There are people like this when it comes to republicans. It is the minority. The majority seek to keep the government out of church affairs. Do I really need to explain the Washington law again, and what republicans tried to change, and how democrats made a fight of it? The democrats WANTED a religious fight. The republicans tried to REMOVE a religious fight. The republicans agreed to pass the law, as long as they changed some wording which would allow for me to pay a priest to be flown into Hawaii. Churches cannot pull that money out of their @$$ they have to charge. You are in dire need of watching how these fights go down. You clearly listen when the media makes claims about zealots, but ignore the government’s motive in needing religious fights. Again: The main argument by republicans currently on gay marriage is civil unions versus gay marriage, and it has to do with separation of church and state, not religion.

            The problem is that your main stream media outlet loves making people like you. You WANT a fight between government and religion and you don’t even realize it. You WANT to believe that is what the world is like, while I know it isn’t. I see the world for what it is, and the type of people you are claiming are wide spread in the republican party are not wide spread. I live in two groups. I’m an agnostic with Atheist and Catholic friends. The atheist is democrat, the catholic is notoriously republican (or a democrat who is afraid to be republican because of the image people like you support, but regardless, has republican beliefs) I have rarely, if ever, seen a Catholic republican make comments like you speak of about gays. Ever. Even the pope has made his voice clear on it. About 1/4th of republicans are catholic republicans. Go look into demographics. You are off base on what you think republicans believe.

          • September 19, 2013 at 1:27 pm
            bob says:
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            I should note, as in my other paragraph it is a HUGE deal:


            Is there a fear created in society from being a democrat?

            Are you afraid to be for abortion, or do you do it with pride thinking you are for civil rights?

            Are you afraid to be for gay marriage, even for non religious reasons?

            Are you afraid that you being a republican will make people think you think less of women in society?

            This fear is very alive in Catholics. I might add, pay attention to Catholic youths. They are so afraid, that they actually are notorious for being very engaged with Aethiest friends, insulting their own religion (the extreme side of it) and claiming that they are not one of “those” types of Catholics.

          • September 19, 2013 at 1:38 pm
            bob says:
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            Just some interesting numbers:


            While more republicans believe in “creationism” this shows the various “types” which you clearly didn’t think out, and the number at the “creationist” level difference is 17% of total republicans. So you’re labeling 83% of republicans, which I consider to be quite disgusting. I am sorry to be so bold in my comments, but to me it’s nothing new and I do view it exactly the same as racism, only it is actually wide spread accepted currently while racism is not.

            More interesting, the amount that believe humans evolved and god was involved is nearly exactly equal.

          • September 19, 2013 at 2:35 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I can see from your commentary (because I no longer even read what Bob has to say – I think it’s been almost a year, if not a year already, since I’ve read any of his posts – I don’t miss them at all), that Bob is trouting out me being a moderate? Again, for any who do read my posts – I am a registered Independent. I have never said anything about being a moderate. I don’t consider myself a moderate. Never have, never will. I would love to have a legitimate third party here. I have been saying so for decades. Almost as long as I’ve been asking for universal healthcare.

          • September 20, 2013 at 10:07 am
            jw says:
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            I don’t know AND don’t care what the “main stream media” says. I readily admit I DO NOT WATCH THE NEWS. ANY NEWS.

            I might read an article online, but not about any of these issues. Why would I care what the media or other people think about social issues? I post my opinion on these comment threads, but I don’t actually care what you think.

            Actually, I am basing my questions strictly on my experience in my little town and my medium size church. I only asked my questions because you stated that there is bias against conservatives. What bias? The conservatives I know follow their church’s stand on social issues. I haven’t met any republicans who don’t go to church. When I do, I might just ask them their stance on social issues that matter to me.

            Oh, and I will admit my opinions spring from emotion. You will not change my mind.

            **I am for educating children so they can compete in the real world. That means they have to learn evolution and science. Creationism does not belong in public schools.

            **I am definitely for birth control use. I have no problem with it being free or a regular prescription co-pay.

            **I am pro choice. I chose to give birth and rear my two boys. I chose to adopt my daughter.

            **I am for equal protections to the GLBTQ community. That includes marriage and ALL the benefits afforded by marriage. BTW – there are several churches that do not discriminate against gays & lesbians and would willingly perform marriage ceremonies. Not to mention the fact that many het couples don’t bother with religious marraige ceremonies and just get married by a judge or other government official.

            **I think the federal government spends too much money on social programs. I believe all of the social programs should be a temporary help not a life style. I think everyone should get a job and become contributing members of society.

            **I have benefited greatly from defense spending as the wife of a retired CSM, but I do believe we spend too much on the military and several programs that are pseudo-military.

            **I attend a medium size Christian church out in the county. The other parishoners, including my husband, are very conservative.

            Quit assuming you know me and why I think what I do. I am not like anyone else.

      • September 18, 2013 at 2:30 pm
        Always Amazed says:
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        Doesn’t say much about Christi either and the democrats can have him! No love lost here.

  • September 17, 2013 at 2:44 pm
    Whodathunkit? says:
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    I find all the previous comments humorous. Do you really think he cares about what party he’s affiliated with? It’s all about getting into power and staying there, kissing babies, eating whatever ethnic food will win votes. He went to the University of Arlen Specter Senator, or UASS.

  • September 17, 2013 at 3:29 pm
    FLagent/ins says:
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    Nothing wrong with Republicans or Democrats but Charlie Crist seriously lacks character. He has always blown with the wind. He has done his own part to make the insurance industry in Florida even worse than it was before he got in office.

  • September 17, 2013 at 3:53 pm
    D says:
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    Politics continues to sink to a lower point year after year. Crist was chased from office over a hug? His hug of the President was Rubio’s big theme? Politics has become a game of picking simple images and creating entire messages, based on inuendo, out of those images to play to our dumbed down society.

  • September 17, 2013 at 7:54 pm
    DJ says:
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    Charlie always had to get a WEATHER REPORT (how the wind was blowing) before he decided/voted on anything!
    He is a professional POLITICIAN…that says it all and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES would I ever vote for him (again)!

  • September 17, 2013 at 8:23 pm
    ComradeAnon says:
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    The party of Gov. Lurch saying someone else is not trustworthy. The projection is thick!

  • September 19, 2013 at 1:29 pm
    mlemac says:
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    Funny how the Florida democrats used to call Charlie a ‘lightweight’ upstairs………..

    I wonder what has changed now that he belongs to them.

  • September 20, 2013 at 10:13 am
    jw says:
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    Well, crap. I let bob drag me off topic again. Sorry everyone. One of these days I’ll learn not to engage.

    • September 20, 2013 at 12:01 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      jw –
      That’s why I chose, many moons ago, to ignore Bob. He acts like a bully. He makes many assumptions about who you are without ever having met you. He belittles you and seems to have an ego Steve Alford is jealous of. I don’t know him, but that’s what it seems like. He’s not worth the time or effort, in my opinion. If there is a TV show or radio show I don’t care to listen to or watch, I don’t go to that station. Same goes for Bob. I tune him out. I’d rather engage with Agent, FFA, and some of the others. They, at least, seem like decent people. We just don’t agree on many issues, but that’s all right. I enjoy having their perspective and the conversation. I don’t know why some choose to do all of the name-calling, though. Seems very “middle school” to me. And, for the record, I’m not name-calling Bob a “bully”, he just acts like one at times.

      • September 20, 2013 at 1:26 pm
        Libby says:
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        I am guilty of the name-calling, Captain, and I am not proud of it. It is more out of frustration than anything else. Except when it comes to Sarge. Then I really mean it.

  • September 21, 2013 at 11:20 am
    Mark says:
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    This column would be better if you did not publish political comments. It is a trade publication
    and should not be a forum for political views of any stripe.

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