Georgia Representatives Accuse Atlanta Mayor of Discrimination in Fire Chief Firing

Members of Georgia’s congressional delegation have written a letter to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed calling the termination of the city’s former fire chief a violation of free speech and religious freedom.

Six Republican Georgia representatives wrote a letter to Reed dated Feb. 10, which was released to the media by Rep. Barry Loudermilk on Tuesday.

Reed suspended and later fired Kelvin Cochran after learning of his self-published book in which Cochran described homosexuality as a perversion. Reed has said he fired Cochran because he published the book without getting prior clearance and because he gave it to subordinates.

Reps. Buddy Carter, Lynn Westmoreland, Tom Price, Austin Scott and Jody Hice also signed the letter. The congressmen accuse Reed of religious discrimination.

Reed has denied that and said he’s a man of faith.