Brentwood Services Administrators in Tennessee Promotes Brothers

Brentwood Services Administrators Inc. (BSA) has promoted Nicole Brothers to the position of claim representative I in the Tennessee Claims Department, according to Jeff Pettus, president and chief executive officer of BSA.

In her new position, Brothers’ responsibilities include reviewing, processing and handling workers’ compensation claims as assigned by Judy Betzold, AIC, claim supervisor in the Tennessee Claims Department. In addition, Brothers will determine compensability of the claim and extent of liability and communicate directly with clients, employers, injured workers, physicians, and attorneys.

Brothers was employed by BSA in 2009 as a claim assistant, then was promoted to claim examiner II. Before joining BSA, she worked in positions providing clerical support.

Brentwood Services Inc. is an independent employee-owned company headquartered in Brentwood, Tenn., specializing over the past 25 years in structuring and managing alternative market products for employers and insurance providers.

Brentwood Services Administrators Inc. provides claims management and loss control services to employers and employer associations with self-insured and large deductible programs for workers’ compensation and other casualty lines. BSA also provides underwriting, policy management and accounting services to association-sponsored pools and mutual insurance companies.

Brentwood Reinsurance Intermediaries Inc. (BRII) provides insurance and reinsurance brokerage services encompassing self-insurance, guaranteed cost and deductible insurance with a focus on workers’ compensation, excess liability lines, and accident and health reinsurance.