Congress Approves $300M in Assistance for North Carolina Matthew Recovery

North Carolina is getting more than $300 million to help portions of the state recover from damages caused by Hurricane Matthew, thanks to passage by Congress of a stop-gap spending bill that averted a U.S. government shutdown.

GOP Sen. Thom Tillis released a statement Saturday saying the money, included in the spending plan which passed Friday night, will help communities with housing, infrastructure and jobs. Tillis said the money also will help restore and reopen damaged roads and clear debris.

In addition, Tillis said the funding will help the Army Corps of Engineers repair any damage to its property, and will provide assistance in repairing farm roads, restoring fencing and conservation practices.

Matthew’s massive rains and river floods hurt 30,000 businesses and caused more than $400 million in crop losses. There were 28 storm-related deaths and the economic damage could exceed $2 billion, according to Gov. Pat McCrory’s administration.

McCrory initially requested $1 billion, but the amount fell to about $600 million when the Federal Emergency Management Agency approved additional relief without the need for separate congressional approval.

North Carolina may need more federal aid in early 2017 once final damage estimates are completed. Tillis said in a release he would work with McCrory successor Roy Cooper and congressional budget-writers to “ensure that North Carolina has the resources it needs to become whole again.”