Florida Woman Caught Faking Workers’ Comp Injury Gets Probation

A South Florida woman was convicted of fraud May 3 and must serve 18 months of probation after she was caught hitting herself in the head with a ceiling sprinkler at work.

The incident happened in October 2015 at CinqueáTerre Energy Partners in Fort Lauderdale. Sheyla White was convicted of fraud on Wednesday.

WPTV in West Palm Beach reports surveillance video shows a sprinkler head falling from the ceiling onto White’s desk. White hits herself in the forehead with it and then tried to collect worker’s compensation for an “on-the-job” injury.

Records show White told her employer the sprinkler bounced from her desk onto her head. But the employer’s insurance company had doubts and asked for an investigation.

White was arrested in 2016 and faced up to five years in prison.