Explosion at North Carolina Fuel Plant Damages Nearby Homes; No Serious Injuries

An explosion at a hydrogen fuel plant in North Carolina has damaged nearby homes but left workers without any serious injuries.

News outlets report that the explosion occurred at the OneH2 Inc. hydrogen fuel facility in the town of Long View on Tuesday. The plant is about an hour northwest of Charlotte and provides hydrogen for fuel cells that power machines such as forklifts.

Terri Byers, fire education coordinator for the Hickory Fire Department, told the Hickory Daily Record that there were no serious injuries.

The plant’s building was damaged. So were some nearby houses that suffered broken windows and had doors blown out of their frames.

Johnathan Wilson, who lives nearby, said things fell off the walls of his home and dishes broke.

“It shook the entire house from left to right,” he told the newspaper. “I’ve been in earthquakes before, and I thought it was an earthquake.”