Kentucky Contractors’ Self-Insurers’ Fund Returns $27M Dividend

The Kentucky Associated General Contractors’ Self-Insurers’ Fund will make a $27 million dividend payment to members next spring, the fund announced.

The dividend marks the 28th straight year that the fund has made a dividend payment, and the payouts now total almost $243 million, fund directors said in a news release this week. The fund also declared a $17 million dividend for 2021, which will be added to a dividend pool for future payouts.

The fund said it is one of the largest workers’ compensation insurance providers in Kentucky, and the only one dedicated to the construction industry.

To be eligible for a dividend payment, contractors must have been a member of the fund for the payout year, 2017 in this case; have a loss ratio of less than 100% for that year; be a current member in March 2022 when the payout will be made; and be current in all obligations to the fund.