Calif. Senate Insurance Committee Withdraws Subpoena

The Association of California Insurance Companies (ACIC) and the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) announced that the Senate Insurance Committee had agreed to withdraw a subpoena issued to Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush for “market conduct examinations involving insurers with claims relating to the 1995 Northridge earthquake.”

In a June 7 release, the ACIC and the NAII stated they had jointly intervened as a national/state alliance to protect the right of their members in a lawsuit filed by the Department of Insurance challenging the subpoena. The intervention was predicated on Insurance Code Section 735.5(c), which provides that all information obtained by the department in the course of a market conduct examination is confidential and not subject to subpoena or public disclosure.

Arguments in the case were heard in Sacramento Superior Court, and a ruling had been expected this week.