California Insurance Commissioner Appointed

California Gov. Gray Davis appointed on Monday retired Court of Appeal Justice Harry Low to replace former Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush who resigned from office last month.

Low, 69, served as a judge in the San Francisco area for 25 years. He retired from the appellate court in 1992, and has since been working as an arbitrator. Acting Insurance Commissioner Clark Kelso congratulated Davis for “making such a superb nomination to fill the position of Insurance Commissioner.”

Kelso worked with Low in connection with the California Judicial Council’s 2020 Vision Project. Low’s appointment must still be confirmed by the Legislature.

“If confirmed, which should happen this month before Legislature goes out of session, Low will take on the remaining two years [of Quackenbush’s term],” said Mike Silva, spokesman for the California Department of Insurance.

Quackenbush resigned July 10 amid investigations into his settlements with major insurance companies over their handling of Northridge earthquake claims.