DIR Resource Networks Seeks Improved Young Worker

Health and safety legislation recently signed by Calif. Gov. Gray Davis aims to provide young workers with expanded educational services and other resources to improve their workplace safety and health. A.B. 1599 (Torlakson) establishes a resource network at the University of California, Berkeley, to increase the ability of young workers and their communities statewide to identify and address workplace hazards and to prevent injuries and illnesses on the job.

Studies suggest that teen job injury rates are higher than those of adults, although teens are prohibited from working in most hazardous occupations. The resource network will augment existing outreach and education efforts, and provide technical assistance, educational materials and other support to schools, job training programs, employers and other organizations working to educate the public about workplace health, safety law and child labor law.

The resource network was originally proposed by the California Study Group on Young Worker Health and Safety, established and funded by the California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation.