Low Will Not Seek Election as Calif. Insurance Commissioner in 2002

On Sept. 20, California Insurance Commissioner Harry W. Low released the following announcement:

“When I took office as California Insurance Commissioner last September, I made a commitment to myself and to the citizens of California to return integrity to the California Department of Insurance. I believe we have accomplished that goal, but there is much work still ahead in the remainder of this term.

“Many people have asked if I intend to run for election to the office of Insurance Commissioner in 2002. After a careful evaluation of various options and opinions, I will not seek election as Insurance Commissioner in 2002.

“I am proud we have emphasized the rule of law, enforced the law fairly, impartially and ethically. I will continue to devote my energies to rebuilding the California Department of Insurance in the next 15 months. This is a challenging and enjoyable role and I do not wish to be distracted by a political campaign.

“I believe at the end of 2002 we will have substantially accomplished what I have been asked to do by Governor Davis; to restore confidence in the Department of Insurance, protect consumers and maintain stability and healthy competition in the insurance marketplace.

“While we have accomplished many things already, I am intensely committed to continuing our already impressive efforts. This is not a stop sign, but rather a green light. Now is the time to maintain our focus and to continue forward to even greater improvements to better serve the citizens of our state. Unfettered from political or campaign distractions, we will continue to do what is good for the people of California, what is good for government, and what is good for CDI.

“I thank everyone who has offered me support and encouragement, especially those in the Asian community who encouraged me to seek a four-year term.”