Seattle-Area Commercial Insurance Agents, Brokers to Gather to Learn about Risks

Local commercial insurance agents and brokers will gather Nov. 6 in Seattle to learn about the expanding scope and impact of e-commerce risks affecting businesses today, and how companies can identify e-risk exposures and better protect themselves from these risks.

The event will address the fact that a significant percentage of companies have not analyzed their e-commerce exposure. Any business with a web site or a computer network faces a growing list of potential liabilities ranging from copyright and trademark infringements, to privacy, intellectual property and security breaches.

Among those speaking and presenting at the event will be Bob Ditmore, Vice President, Global Technology Underwriting, The St. Paul Companies, Saint Paul, Minn. Several local and regional agents and brokers also will be available to comment on these issues and the resulting impact on their clients.

The event will be held at the Washington Athletic Club’s Noble Room, 1325 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.

For further information, call (206) 464-3051.