Farmers Asks Auto Shops to Donate to Calderon’s Campaign

Farmers Insurance has tapped automobile repair shop owners for contributions to Assemblyman Tom Calderon’s campaign for California Insurance Commissioner, according to the Associated Press.

Farmers sent letters out a few months ago to its network of auto repair shops, asking for donations to Calderon’s campaign.

The letter, penned by Ron Coble, a vice president of Farmers and executive director of its PAC, asked for support to Calderon in the form of monetary donations. The letter concluded by saying that the support was voluntary, and would in no way affect the relationship between Farmers and the auto repair shop.

The Associated Press verified seven shops that contributed about $3,500 to the campaign through records kept by the Calif. secretary of state.

Other contributions from repair shops may have been made through the Farmers Employee & Agent Political Action Committee.

Farmers, Farmers employees, and an affiliated political action committee had made approximately $229,000 in cash to the campaign, according to state campaign finance records.

The insurance company is one of the largest contributors to Calderon’s campaign, which is part of the $1 million given by insurance interests.

Calderon is the only candidate in the insurance commissioner race to accept donations from the industry to help finance his campaign.