Former Okla. State Legislator to Moderate Roundtable

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher announced that Gaylon Stacy, former state legislator and television personality, will moderate a roundtable of insurance commissioners from across the nation during agents and adjusters Continuing Education Day activities Wednesday, Aug. 7.

Insurance agents and adjusters are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education credit every two years. Each year since he was elected insurance commissioner, Fisher has hosted a continuing education event. This year’s Continuing Education Day will feature eight hours of credit offered free of charge.

Stacy heads a management and marketing firm and works with the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority during its telethon festivals. He also hosted a daytime talk and entertainment show for 10 years at KWTV, Channel 9, in Oklahoma City.

The roundtable Stacy will moderate is comprised of Fisher, and the commissioners from Arkansas, Iowa, Mississippi and South Carolina. Former Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Cathy Weatherford, now executive director of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, will speak at a noon luncheon.

The afternoon will feature breakout sessions on ethics, life and health, property and casualty, flood insurance and mold, financial requirements and adjusters.

A reception and banquet will round out the evening. Dr. Charles Petty, who spoke at last year’s event, will keynote the banquet. His topic will be “Roaring Fires, Flickering Flames, Dying Embers or Cold Ashes?”

For further information or to register, call (405) 522-4969.