Utah Resident Gets Six Months for WC Fraud

Ogden, Utah resident Robert Paul Martinez, 30, was recently sentenced to 180 days in jail for insurance fraud.

Second District Court Judge Ernie W. Jones sentenced Martinez Oct. 16, 2002, on charges of workers’ compensation insurance fraud, a second-degree felony.

The Judge sentenced Martinez to serve one to 15 years in the Utah State Prison. The sentence was suspended upon the condition that he pay full restitution to Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) and spend 180 days in the Weber County Jail.

Prosecutors were able to take this case to court based on evidence
provided by WCF’s Special Investigations Unit. WCF became suspicious when Martinez’s alleged industrial injury kept him from returning to work for an extended period of time.

Investigators soon learned that Martinez regularly performed work inconsistent with his alleged injury. The evidence against him became even more overwhelming when Martinez’s ex-wife informed WCF investigators that the injury actually took place in their home during a fight, as opposed to at work as Martinez had claimed.