Mercury Proud To Support 11th Annual Revlon Run/Walk In Los Angeles

Approximately $3 million was raised by approximately 50,000 participants in the 2004 Revlon Run/Walk for Women, including a contingent of more than 100 from Mercury Insurance Group, a new sponsor of the Los Angeles event held this May 5 to benefit women’s cancer research, counseling and outreach programs in the Los Angeles area and nationwide.

Mercury’s sponsorship and participation was organized by its Director Of Payroll and Benefits, Ellen Cosico.

“We are … proud to carry on the insurance industry’s longstanding and ever increasing commitment to good corporate citizenship not only by sponsoring the event but also by participating and raising several thousand dollars,” said Cosico, a cancer survivor.

Mercury’s team at its sponsorship booth at the Los Angeles Coliseum was lead by its Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Secretary, Judy A. Walters.

Among the largest 5K events in the nation, the Los Angeles Revlon Run/Walk, along with a sister event in New York, has in 11 years raised approximately $30 million dollars in funds since first launching in L.A.

Proceeds from past Revlon Run/Walks have funded research contributing to the development of important new therapies. Funds have also helped numerous organizations in providing education, advocacy and outreach services to those affected by women’s cancers.

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