Zurich Opens Denver Office to Strengthen Local Ties

Zurich, one of the nation’s largest property-casualty insurance companies, announced today that it is opening a casualty underwriting office in Denver to strengthen local focus on Colorado and the Southwestern U.S.

The new office will serve the casualty insurance coverage needs of customers in the burgeoning markets of Denver, Phoenix, Albuquerque and other key Southwestern cities, according to Peter Romano, Vice President of Zurich’s Global Corporate Casualty division in North America. Romano will head up the office.

“By demonstrating a stronger local presence, we will be able to show customers that Zurich has the ability to quickly respond to their needs,” said Romano. “We will demonstrate that we are truly committed to this business and to the region on a long-term basis.”

Romano said the Denver facility will have the full authority to make decisions for customers and brokers at the local level.

“In and around Denver, the business culture is one in which customers value interactions with a carrier that is accessible and that has the authority to make quick, local decisions,” Romano said. “The opening of this office gives us the ability to better serve our growing customer base.”