University of Wyoming Offers Workshop to Help Reduce Agricultural Risk

Workshops focusing on energy crops, manure and irrigation management, and risk management and insurance products will be offered this month to producers in Pine Bluffs, Casper, Riverton and Powell, Wyo. The programs, sponsored by the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service (UW CES), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency, the Wyoming Farm Bureau, the Wyoming Wheat Growers Association and the Wyoming Crop Improvement Association, are designed to provide strategies and technologies that can lead to greater success in agriculture.

The session schedule is:
*Pine Bluffs, Wyo. — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Laramie County Community College meeting room at the old Pine Bluffs High School, Monday, March 13.

*Casper, Wyo. — 10 a.m-4 p.m. at the Agricultural Resource and Learning Center, Natrona County Fairgrounds, Tuesday, March 14.

*Riverton, Wyo. — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Fairgrounds-Armory Building at the Fremont County Fairgrounds, Wednesday, March 15.

*Powell, Wyo. — 4-10 p.m. at the Park County Fairgrounds, Thursday, March 16.

The fee for each event is $10 before March 10 and $20 at the door. To register, visit or call (877) 733-3618, ext. 2.

The workshops include presentations on energy crops and reasons to be optimistic for oilseed production in Wyoming by Jim Krall, CES agronomist at the UW Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center near Lingle and professor in the Department of Plant Sciences.

A session on manure management and using manure to help mitigate the high costs of nitrogen fertilizer will be presented by Gary Hergert, extension soils specialist with the University of Nebraska’s Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

In addition, a presentation on irrigation management when water supplies are limited and methods for conserving water will be given by Dean Yonts, a biological systems engineer, also with the Panhandle R&E Center.

Other presentations include one on crop insurance products for irrigated crops by John Hewlett, UW CES farm and ranch management specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, and a session on successful risk management using RightRisk, a risk simulation for crop operators, by Hewlett and Jay Parsons of Optimal Ag Consulting, Ft. Collins, Colo.