California Assembly Passes Two Bills

A bill that would extend the sunset date for certain tax credits made to community development financial institutions and another bill that would require the administrative director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation to review the reimbursement rates for some inpatient burn diagnostic groups passed the California Assembly, according to the Association of California Insurance Companies.

AB 2831 (Ridley-Thomas) Insurance, Income and Corporation, would extend the sunset date for certain tax credits made to community development financial institutions from Jan. 1, 2007, to Jan. 1, 2017, ACIC said. The association supports the bill.

AB 2942 (Koretz) Workers Compensation would require the administrative director of the Division of Workers Compensation to review the reimbursement rates for some inpatient burn diagnostic groups to ensure that the rates are commensurate with the cost of inpatient burn treatment. ACIC opposes this bill.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, SB 1274 (Dunn) Cartwright Act, which would have amended California’s antitrust law (Cartwright Act) to prohibit monopolies or any attempt to monopolize commerce, failed.

Source: ACIC