Director of Con Alma Leaving

The executive director of Con Alma Health Foundation will leave at the end of the year.

Robert Desiderio, a former dean of the University of New Mexico School of Law, said Monday he is leaving to spend more time with his wife, who recently retired.

Desiderio has been director of the nonprofit health foundation for four years.

He said his decision to step down was not related to controversies involving former state Insurance Superintendent Eric Serna.

Serna resigned in April as Con Alma’s president after questions arose over a possible conflict of interest between his dual roles on Con Alma’s board and as insurance superintendent.

Serna later left the superintendent’s post in an agreement with the state Public Regulation Commission.

The commission, which oversees the Insurance Division, had asked state Attorney General Patricia Madrid to investigate a contract between the division and a Santa Fe bank that made hefty contributions to the health foundation.