Indemnity Excess & Surplus Offers ID Protection

Indemnity Excess & Surplus Agency based in Beaverton, Oregon is helping its retail agents protect their clients with coverage designed to address most of the exposures associated with identity theft. Corporate Identity Theft Protection, offered by IES and written by an A.M. Best A++ carrier, offers coverage to small and mid-sized companies whether the identity theft occurs anywhere in the world.

Corporate Identity Theft Protection may offer coverage for:
-Legal Liability Damages
-Defense Costs
-Regulatory action expense
-Notification costs
-Crisis expenses
-Identity theft recovery services to victims

Limits are available from $100,000. to $5,000,000. with minimum premiums starting at $995. Minimum SIR start at $2,500.

For more information contact Jim Heisler at 800-487-2442, 503-526-9700 or Web site is