Garden Receives Insure Montana Outstanding Agent Award

Montana State Auditor John Morrison has recognized Western States Insurance Agent Tim Garden with the Insure Montana Outstanding Agent Award for 2007.

Garden was chosen for his outstanding work to help reduce the ranks of the uninsured. He has helped more than 40 previously uninsured small businesses in Missoula and the surrounding area become insured through Insure Montana, according to Morrison.

“Mr. Garden has done great work in educating Montana’s small businesses about this very important health care option and has worked to get them signed up and insured,” Morrison said.

Garden was recognized as part of “Cover the Uninsured Week,” organized nationally to increase awareness about the crisis of the uninsured in America. Others present at the award ceremony included Cliff Larsen, Insure Montana Board member; Western States Insurance Agent and award recipient Tim Garden and small business owners Lori and Guy Hughes.

“In less than 1½ years of implementation, we are now covering more than 8,000 Montanans through the Insure Montana program,” said Morrison.

Administered by the State Auditor’s Office, Insure Montana offers two comprehensive health plans through Blue Cross and Blue Shield and provides incentive and assistance payments for both the employer and employees. It also reduces the cost of insurance by joining together businesses to form a purchasing pool. In addition, Insure Montana provides tax credits to small businesses that are currently providing group health insurance to their employees.

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Source: Mont. State Auditor