Calif. Cites Garment Employers for Avoiding Workers’ Comp Insurance

Investigators with California’s Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition (EEEC) recently targeted businesses in the garment industry that were operating illegally. The businesses visited were in Los Angeles and Riverside Counties and were not carrying workers’ compensation insurance for their employees, avoiding labor, tax and licensing laws, and skirting safety and health regulations.

“In California, workers have workplace protections and it is our job to make sure labor laws are not violated,” said EEEC Executive Director David Dorame.

The results of the sweep were as follows:
Number of inspections 32
Number of citations issued 49
Total citation amount $232,900

Citations were issued for no workers’ compensation, not taking required payroll deductions, underpayment of overtime and minimum wage, not having a proper work permit for a minor and not having the proper garment registrations.

Launched in July 2005, the EEEC was formed to enforce California labor laws and to educate business owners and workers on those laws and regulations. On the enforcement side, the EEEC aims to root out businesses participating in the underground economy, which cost the state and legitimate businesses millions each year, in many cases passing the cost on to the consumer. In addition, EEEC helps educate business owners on California’s employment laws and their responsibilities, and educates employees on their rights as workers.

EEEC is a collaboration of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency’s Department of Industrial Relations (Division of Occupational Safety and Health; Division of Labor Standards Enforcement) and the Employment Development Department.

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Source: California Department of Industrial Relations