California Insurance Association To Broadcast Consumer Podcasts

The Insurance Information Network of California is recording audio and video podcasts to help consumers navigate the world of managing their everyday risks. According to the association, IINC Spots are designed to help cut through the business jargon to give consumers practical tips and advice on topics that can make their lives safer – and possibly save them a buck or two.

“There are a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions about insurance, and with IINC Spots, we plan to cut through that,” said IINC Executive Director and IINC Spots host Candysse Miller. “A lot of people think of the word ‘insurance’ as a conversation-killer. We intend to make it a conversation-starter, because it touches Californians’ lives in more ways than they may realize.”

Early episodes will range from travelling safely with a pet to making landscaping serve double-duty as a fire break. IINC Spots will also focus on personal finance topics such as preparing a home inventory and avoiding underinsurance.

The short podcasts feature enhanced material, including video demonstration segments. They may be viewed on a computer through QuickTime or downloaded on to a portable video/audio player using iTunes. For more information, visit