Teague Insurance Agency, Wilson Insurance Agency Merge

Walter O.L. Johnston Jr., president of Teague Insurance Agency in La Mesa, Calif., and Bradley Wilson, president of Wilson Insurance Agency in Chula Vista, Calif., have merged their agencies.

Both agencies have been located in the San Diego area for more than 50 years. The Wilson Agency was founded in 1951 by Brad’s grandfather, Richard Wilson. Brad’s father, David (Bud) Wilson, became president of the agency in 1965. Bud, who served as national president of the Insurance Brokers and Agents of America, retired in 2000. Brad joined the agency in 1989 and succeeded his father as president.

Teague Insurance Agency was founded in 1954 by the late John Teague. Walter Johnston joined the agency in 1973 and became president in 1982.

Both agency leaders have been active in local professional and service organizations in the San Diego area. Both have served as president of the local chapter of the Insurance Brokers and Agents of the West. Wilson is a past president of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Rotary Club of Chula Vista. Brad was named IBA San Diego agent of the year in 2007.

For more information, e-mail wjohnston@teagueins.com.