Proposed Pit Bull Ban Concerns Hawaii Dog Owners

Dog lovers are concerned over a bill in the Hawaii Legislature that would ban ownership of pit pulls.

The bill was introduced by Senate President Colleen Hanabusa in the wake of an attack on a police officer by a mixed-breed pit bull terrier two weeks ago. Recently, there was a report of a Kapolei woman being bitten on both legs by two pit bulls near her home.

Some dog owners say pit pulls make great family pets.

But the breed has gained a reputation among some for being vicious and uncontrollable.

Denver and Maryland’s Prince George’s County have banned ownership of pit bulls following deadly attacks. San Francisco has mandated sterilization of pit bulls.

Hanabusa’s bill would make it a misdemeanor to own, possess or sell a pit pull.

The senate leader had said she introduced the bill at the request of a constituent and she believed it was unlikely to pass.

But Hanabusa reconsidered the situation in light of the attack in Kapolei.

“Obviously, there is a problem,” she said.