British American Business Council Chapter Appoints Kuykendall President

The British American Business Council of Orange County, Calif., (BABC-OC) recently appointed John Kuykendall as president for 2009. Kuykendall is a long-time member of the Southern California business community and president and owner of Benefit Solutions Co., a local insurance brokerage and consulting firm.

As newly appointed president Kuykendall said his goals are to increase participation among current members and to increase new member acquisition. “A vital component to BABC-OC’s continued success is getting more members involved at key levels, and that is a priority for me,” he said.

Kuykendall graduated from the University of Colorado in 1969 with bachelor degrees in marketing and computer science. Following graduation, he served five years in the Navy, during which he served in Vietnam. Following Vietnam, his career path included a successful seven years at Prudential Los Angeles, followed by key leadership positions at employee benefits consultant The Martin Segal Co., and for Keenan and Associates’ Southern California operations.