Oregon Has 39th Highest Workers’ Comp Premium Rates, Report Says

Oregon’s 2008 Workers’ Compensation Premium Rate Ranking Study has been released, the Departmnet of Consumer and Business Services announced. The results suggest that Oregon employers in the voluntary market pay, on average, the 39th highest workers’ compensation premium rates in the nation. Oregon’s premium rate index is $1.88 per $100 of payroll. National premium rate indices range from a low of $1.08 per $100 of payroll in North Dakota to a high of $3.97 in Alaska, the report indicated.

Tracking the longer-term trends, the national median rate index peaked in 1994 at $4.35 and reached its lowest point in 2000 at $2.26. It decreased to $2.48 per $100 of payroll in 2006 after increasing in 2002 and 2004. For 2008 it has continued its decrease, now to $2.26, which ties the all time low.

Oregon’s rate index rose slightly to 17 percent below the national median in 2008.

To view the report, visit http://www4.cbs.state.or.us/ex/imd/reports/rpt/index.cfm?fuseaction=version_view&version_tk=181748&ProgID=FEARA011.

Source: DCBS