Insurance Women of North San Diego County Receives Award

The National Association of Insurance Women hs awarded the Insurance Women of North San Diego County the Region VIII Association of the Year Award.

The purpose of the award is to give recognition to a local Region VIII association that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the goals, objectives, programs and project of NAIW.

Among the chapter’s achievements in 2008 were: co-hosting the 2008 Region VIII Regional Conference on board a cruise ship; co-editingthe Region VIII newsletter; and serving as committee chairs and on committees at Council, Regional and National conferences.

Community Action/Public Relations activities included anannual Senior Citizen Center lunch where members pay for and serve lunch to more than 75 seniors. The group also collected toothpaste and toothbrushes for the International Refugee Committee. It donated blankets and towels to a local animal shelter. And for the Brother Benno Foundation, the group held a Chocolate Bunny Drive, a sock drive and toy drive.

A Shining Moment of the year was presenting a grant to The Brother Benno Foundation in the amount of $15,000. The grant was given by Safeco Insurance Co. as part of its Community Hero Program. Member Ginger Hodges Rodigo wrote the grant letter making it possible.

The chapter has 17 members.