Insurance Women Associations in San Diego Elect New Officers

The Insurance Women of North San Diego County, (IWNSD) affiliated with the National Association of Insurance Women International, has elected its officers for the 2009-2010 term. Officers are:

President Pamela Holt, Vice President Carola Erb of Dale Long, State Farm Insurance, Treasurer Tere Muston of American E&S Insurance Brokers, Secretary Regina Lemanowicz, First Year Director Ginger Hodges Rodigo of Michael Ehrenfeld Insurance, and Second Year Director Cynthia Dafnos Villarreal of Hamilton Sundstrand.
The officers were installed by Gail Novelich of RIC General Insurance Agency Inc.

Also, the San Diego Insurance Women (SDIW) – The San Diego Chapter of the National Association of Insurance Women, International elected its 2009-2010 officers.

Officers are: President Kathleen Kerstenbeck, Vice President/President Elect Jennifer Hetzel, Secretary Danielle McBride, Treasurer Rhonda Collins, Community Action Nancy Ladd, Education Ruth Hinckfuss, Legislation Pam Legge, Membership Kay Wheeler, Public Relations Lisa Rowsell, Ways & Means Teresa Harrison, Employment Julie Brown, Reservations Nancy Trejo, Opportunity Drawing Elvira Chavez, Web Mistress Danielle McBride, Bulletin Kathleen Kerstenbeck, and Second Year Past President Patsy Whalvin.