Insurance Broker Pleads to Embezzling in Colorado

A Hawaii resident has pleaded guilty in Denver to an embezzling charge.

Fifty-nine-year-old Barney T. Lyles was accused of embezzling from an employee benefit fund when he was chief executive officer at the defunct insurance broker company BLIS International Group.

He entered his plea in federal court Friday and is to be sentenced Jan. 5.

Lyles and 38-year-old former BLIS Chief Financial Officer Brandon T. Ser Voss of Elgin, Ill., were indicted last year on accusations that they took money that was supposed to go toward paying stop-loss health insurance premiums in 2003 and 2004 and used it for personal use.

Ser Voss was sentenced last week to five years of probation and was ordered to pay restitution of $353,445.