Colorado Blog Calls Attention to Workers’ Comp Depression

Workers’ compensation treatment often overlooks addressing the mental and emotional consequences of an injury that keeps one out of work, the Colorado Workers’ Comp Blog says.

The blog is calling attention to the fact that the state’s Division of Workers Compensation has materials that can help physicians and claimants deal with this aspect of the toll an injury takes.

The blog says that the authorized treating physician may not notice the impact the stress has, and the associated depression, that many injured workers experience. But families, attorneys are often acutely aware.

The stress can be particularly high when the injured worker may not be able to ever return to their trade or profession.

The blog urges injured workers to inform their treating physician if they are feeling stress or depression.

“Being silent just keeps it hidden,” the blog says. “You are allowed treatment and it can also increase the permanent disability you have unless you fully recover.”

Links for medical services providers are available on the division’s website at:

A guide for physicians is found at: