Mercury Insurance May Have Illegally Overcharged Consumers, Regulator Says

A California Department of Insurance examination has found that Mercury Insurance violated the state insurance statutes and as a result, Mercury Insurance may have illegally overcharged thousands of Californians for auto and homeowners insurance.

“In addition, the Department’s examination finds that Mercury Insurance has apparently continued to violate the law despite agreements with the state to terminate its illegal behavior,” Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner said.

The California Department of Insurance (CDI) conducted a Market Conduct Exam covering the period of March 1, 2007 to May 31, 2007. During that timeframe, CDI found that Mercury Insurance Group, comprising Mercury Insurance Co., Mercury Casualty Co. and California Automobile Insurance Co., violated the insurance code, resulting in consumers being overcharged or denied coverage. The 35 categories of alleged violations include:

Interested persons can download a copy of the Market Conduct Exam and the Notice of Noncompliance and Order to Show Cause.

Mercury has denied the allegations and told The Associated Press that the investigation was designed to further the political interests of Commissioner Steve Poizner, who is running for the Republican nomination for governor.

Sources: AP, CDI