Insurers Fined More Than $580,000 in Washington

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler fined insurers more than $580,000 in 2010 for violations including illegal telephone solicitation and overcharging customers. Kreidler also revoked the licenses of more than a dozen insurance agents last year.

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner reported than in 2010, Kreidler’s office levied $583,750 in fines. Fines totaled $407,600 in 2009 and more than $1.2 million in 2008. (These figures do not include suspended fines.)

“It’s important that insurance companies, agents and brokers follow the rules,” he said. “Ensuring that they do this helps protect consumers and preserves a fair marketplace.”

Fines collected by the state insurance commissioner’s office do not go to the agency. The money is deposited in the state’s general fund to pay for other state services.

Fines imposed in the second half of 2010 totaled $190,200. They included:

In addition, the following agents or brokers were disciplined. To see the documentation about the cases, visit