Charitable Foundation to Honor Fireman’s Fund’s Heritage Program

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) has announced that Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co.’s philanthropic initiative, the Heritage Program, will be honored at the Foundation’s Annual Benefit Dinner.

The Heritage Program, established in 2004, is a renewed social commitment to the company’s founding community focus of supporting firefighters for safer communities. Through the program, Fireman’s Fund enables its employees and independent agencies to award grants to fire departments for needed equipment, firefighter training, and community education programs. Since the program’s inception, Fireman’s Fund has donated more than $27 million in grants to more than 1,600 local fire departments and fire safety organizations across the nation.

“While it is an honor to be recognized for our support of the fire service, the real recognition goes to firefighters all across the country for the work they do each and every day,” said Michael LaRocco, company president and CEO. “As a company, we believe it is important to raise awareness of the needs of local fire departments. Supporting the fire service means rescuers will be better protected and our communities will be safer. That’s our ultimate goal with this program – saving lives.”

Established in San Francisco in 1863, Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company integrated business growth with its social mission, donating a portion of profits to widows and orphans of San Francisco fire fighters. Today, Fireman’s Fund continues its tradition of social responsibility through the Heritage Program and employee volunteerism.

The IICF Annual Benefit Dinner, to be held Thursday, May 19 at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco, provides an opportunity for insurance professionals from across the industry to come together in a united philanthropic effort, raising funds for local nonprofits. Proceeds from the evening will benefit multiple nonprofit programs through the Foundation’s community grants program. To date, the Industry Foundation has contributed more than $17 million and 140,000 volunteer service hours to hundreds on community nonprofits.

For information on the dinner, including ticket sales, contact the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation office at 925- 280-8009.