SCF Arizona’s DeGraw Receives Stellar Volunteer Award

Genesis City, a community-based organization that provides educational services to high-risk youth and their families in Arizona, announced it is presenting Rick DeGraw with the third annual Stellar Volunteer award.

DeGraw is the senior vice president and chief administrative officer at SCF Arizona, the largest provider of workers’ compensation insurance in Arizona, serving 30,000 businesses statewide.

DeGraw has been a strong supporter of Genesis for the past 20 years. “Rick DeGraw understands the daunting issues and barriers that our kids face in their pursuit of a quality education,” said Karen Callahan, executive director of Genesis City. She cited DeGraw’s support as being critical to the acquisition of a permanent home for the Genesis City Programs.

He has shown a commitment through the years to increasing the availability of affordable, quality education and enhancing minority opportunities. He is on the President’s Advisory Council at Rio Salado College, among many other community service activities.

Genesis City is a community-based non-profit organization working to turn around the lives of families that reside in the most poverty stricken neighborhoods of Phoenix. Genesis City’s vision is to change lives through the power of education. Genesis City works to effect positive change in our community by helping to empower underserved, at-risk youth and their families to acquire the education and work skills they need to become lifelong learners and productive members of the community in this and future generations.