Southern Calif. Insurance Women Association Elects Officers

The South Bay(California) Chapter of the National Association of Insurance Women (International) elected its officers for the 2011-2012 term, beginning July 1.

President Gina Thomas Patterson, marine account manager with Roanoke Trade Services Inc. in Long Beach, Calif., was elected president. She served as president-elect for the 2010-2011 term of office, and vice president for the 2009-2010 term of office. Patterson is also the public relations liaison-elect with the California Council of NAIW and is currently serving on the education committee for the National Association for their upcoming annual convention in Las Vegas.

Wanita Iranmanish, commercial account manager with Nickerson Insurance Services in Lomita, Calif., was named president-elect. She served as treasurer for the 2009-2010 term of office.

Vice President for a second term is Kathy Marshall, assistant vice president business development west/San Diego Calif. with Paul Davis Restoration.

Tiffany McPartland, commercial underwriter with Bliss & Glennon in Redondo Beach, Calif. was elected secretary for the coming ter. McPartland was recently featured as the California Council Young Professional of the Month.

Elected treasurer for as second term of office is Addie Davidson, owner of D.E. Banker & Associates in Lomita, Calif. A member of chapter since 1969 and president in 1975-1976, Davidson has held numerous committee and elected officer positions.

Officer installation will be held June 14, 2011.

The South Bay Chapter of NAIW is a nonprofit organization and has been registered with the state of California since 1964.